Which of these best describes you?
A. Clever and Crafty
B. Passionate and Fiery
C. Cool as a Cucumber
D. Wise and thoughtful
Which animal do you most identify with?
A. Owl
B. Lion
C. Cat
D. Elephant
When you are stressed out, you…
A. Make a list of everything you need to do; prioritize
B. Seize the Day! Tackle the issue head-on
C. Why stress? No worries!
D. You got this, you have been here before.
What do you like to do on a Sunday afternoon?
A. Play chess or other strategy games (and play to win)
B. Volunteer
C. Meditate in the park
D. Wander the flea market
If you had mostly the letter…
A. You are the mask of The Fox, a cunning strategist
B. You are the mask of Begtse Chen, a powerful protector
C. You are the mask of Ko-omote, a serene beauty
D. You are the mask of Transformation, connected to your past and future self
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