
This painting illustrates a practice from one of the Buddhist master Padmasambhava’s teachings, recorded when he brought Buddhism to Tibet. He is said to have hidden the teaching like a treasure, and it was discovered ten centuries later. With this practice it is possible to eliminate all obstacles and receive all accomplishments, including those that prevent a good rebirth.

One of the scenes in the painting (center left) shows a practitioner performing a transference of consciousness (powa) for someone who is deceased. His consciousness is sent directly to the pure realm of Buddha Amitabha, thus ensuring the person’s better future.

See our Art of the Week up close in the exhibition The Second Buddha: Master of Time, on view through January 7, 2019.

Pigments on cloth
Rubin Museum of Art; Gift of Shelley and Donald Rubin
C2006.66.440, HAR 897